A looping GIF adds a bit of humor to otherwise dull content. You can use it to share memes and even annoy your friends and family.
If you spotted a GIF-worthy moment in a movie or video, we would show you how to trim or cut it. And you can convert the part into a repeating or infinite GIF loop.
A GIF will take less than five minutes to make. But its impact will be effective on every new audience that sees it. You can choose to loop GIF a specified number of times or endlessly depending on the desired result.
The video or GIF you use doesn’t need to be in your files. You can extract it from YouTube or record your screen. Then use Keevi to create a loop and make your GIF even more interesting. Finally, share or save the looping GIF on your PC.
Click on the GIF looper CTA.
In the upload panel, feel free to:
If you want to make a looping GIF from a video, you can:
Next, select how many times you want the GIF or trimmed video to loop. It can be as short as two repetitions or up to ten repetitions.
You have the option to edit your loop GIF further to make it more engaging.
Use our GIF looper to:
Once you’ve selected the number of GIF loops and are happy with the length of the GIF, hit Export.
Our GIF looper will render your work within seconds.
If you uploaded a video, take the option to download it as a GIF.
Save the looped GIF on your PC or share it directly on social media.
A loop GIF ends and starts in a continuous and smooth process. If properly created, the audience hardly notices the transition from the end of the GIF to the beginning. This repetition makes a looping GIF engaging and captivating. It ensures that the audience gets your message or responds to the emotion you are trying to awaken.
You can extend GIF length by using Keevi’s GIF looper. As you increase the number of loops, the duration of the GIF increases. If you prefer to have your GIF playing endlessly, create an infinite GIF loop using Keevi.
You don’t have to loop a GIF. However, you’ll lose a chance to draw more attention to your GIF and increase its chances of going viral. If you want to keep your GIF short, Keevi’s looping GIF maker lets you choose the number of times you would want it to repeat, this gives it a definite start and end time.
You can change an endless GIF using Keevi’s GIF loop maker. Simply upload your GIF to Keevi. Limit your GIF to loop only two, three, five, eight, or ten times.
Keevi is a free GIF loop maker. It lets you loop a GIF online using a beginner-friendly but powerful and flexible editor. You can add text to your GIF, add an image overlay, sound effects, emojis, and a lot more.
Make your GIF more interesting by adding audio in the background. For instance, you can add whooshes for fast movements or use crowd surprise for unexpected moments in the GIF. However, the GIF file format doesn’t support audio. Keevi will convert GIF to looping video, and you can save it as MP4 or any other video format.
A looping GIF automatically plays over and over and this makes it easy for your audience to notice flaws. These little imperfections could distract them from the story in your GIF. Avoid mistakes by keeping the GIF loop simple. Go for a GIF with few elements and flat colors. Ensure that the last frame transitions seamlessly to the first frame.
If you are going to be sharing the animated GIF loop on a site like Dribble, the first frame of the GIF will serve as a thumbnail. Make it catchy.
Use mini effects to highlight specific details in your looping GIF. For example, use a smooth zooming effect when introducing a product. Find the best mini effects to show emphasis, build emotions, or create a comical or dramatic effect.
Looping GIFS with too much blinking and animation could be unsuitable for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Remember to include an alt text as well.
Loop GIFS are fun, and this makes it tempting to overuse them. Ensure that your GIF tells a story or contributes to one. It should communicate a meaningful message to the audience. If the looping GIF is for business, include a CTA.
If you’re using GIF loops in email, keep in mind that some of your recipients use email platforms that don’t support animation. For this reason, ensure that the first frame of the GIF makes sense and can communicate your key message as a standalone image.
According to studies, it takes only 1/20th of a second for people to form an impression. But this time could be even shorter. Data also shows that people are more likely to watch a video until the end if it’s under 60 seconds long.
Looped GIFs are brief, entertaining, and to the point. They play automatically, and this motion makes it easy to capture your viewer’s attention instantly. You get to tell a story in a few seconds and emphasize your main message through repetition.
Unlike other videos, GIFs require minimum effort and resources to create. You can quickly create a GIF from a stock video or screen recording and edit it to fit your purpose. And you don’t have to worry about audio quality.
Your audience will love them because they can watch them silently in public. Looped GIFs also do not require a lot of mobile data.
Create a looped GIF that is unique. If it entertains and evokes the emotions of your audience over and over with every repetition, it could go viral. This translates into more followers and increased awareness of your business.
If you are an influencer, loop GIFs are an excellent way to entertain your followers and keep them interested in your page. It builds your brand and boosts engagement rate.
You can use a loop GIF to thank someone or add an element of playfulness to your emails. Use them to showcase your talent or services in a small presentation. Or you can use a looping GIF to introduce your products to leads in a brief but delightful way.
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
The GIF Captioner is not the only tool Keevi has to offer. You can spice up your content by using Keevi to: