How to add an image to a video

Adding an image to your videos can be a massive hassle. Images are a great way to add more coherent branding to your videos. From still animation to funky and cool picture aesthetics, adding a picture to your videos makes them interactive and fun. Plus, it gives your brand or message the leverage to stand out amongst the crowd. 

You don't have to be an expert video editor to use Keevi. Keevi is an innovative online tool that helps you overlay image on video online quickly. Let us show you how you can easily do this using Keevi:

Upload images on the Keevi online platform.

Choose the option overlay image.

Add picture to video.

Download and share.

This is as easy as a walk in the park. Okay, well, it may be much easier than the walk. 

Make your next image overlay with Keevi. If you still feel a little lost, don’t worry amigo, we have got you covered. Our guide below will help you understand how to add an image to a video.

The Guide for how to insert a picture into a video

Using any new tool can be super daunting and can be confusing or simply frustrating to handle. We understand and hear you, and that is why we have developed our easy to understand and navigate guide for ‘How to insert a picture into a video.’ This guide will answer all your questions about it. The guide is divided into steps a user would take to complete his/her process of adding pictures on video and making it look as stunning as possible. So let's begin.


Upload Video

Click on the “Get Started” button; this will trigger the dialog box to pop. 

Here, you can upload a video from your device or extract a Youtube video by entering its URL. Another fantastic option is to choose from stock videos provided by Keevi. They are royalty-free, so don’t worry about copyright infringement. 

The options are there for your convenience.

Last but not least is to record your video. If you want to record your video, simply click on the “Record Video” button and start recording. Don’t worry; once you stop recording, the video automatically gets uploaded to the Keevi editor.

Here is a fun and useful little nugget for you. 

Choose multiple videos, press Ctrl + A to select all, and click "Ok." Keevi will upload all your videos together on the video editor. 

To summarize Step 1:

  1. Click on the “Get Started” button
  2. Select whichever option you want in the Upload Panel
  3. Click the “Ok” button, and the video is now uploaded for editing

What you have to do to Superimpose an Image on a Video

Once you are done uploading your video, Keevi will take you to the editing page to start resizing your video to your preferred video size or according to the social media recommendations for video sizing. Just like with uploads, Keevi has a multitude of options for resizing as well. Some of these options are:

  • Landscape sizing
  • Facebook and Twitter sizing
  • YouTube sizing
  • Custom sizing

So far, so good; you have learned how to upload a video and resize it according to your end goals, but now comes the critical bit for which you are here in the first place. 

How to add image to video or how to overlay an image on a video. Keevi focuses a lot on making the user experience while using the web tool as simple as possible to overlay image on video online

All you have to do is move your cursor to the "Add Media'' button located on the top center of the menu bar right next to the subtitle button and click on it. 

Once you do that, a vertical menu will open, and on it, there is an option called "Add Image.”

It will trigger a dialog box to pop up, which will ask you to upload your desired image. Keevi allows its users to either upload their images or use their stock royalty-free images. We make sure that when you ask us how to add pictures to videos, we have the easiest solution for you. 

Now you have all the creative liberty to adjust the image on the video however you like. From resizing it to positioning it, you can do so much with it. Keevi makes the process to add image to video online free, quick, and super fun. 

You can add as many images as you like, so don’t worry about a limit. So make your video magical.

Adding the image part is now sorted but is adding the image to a video all you can do with Keevi? 

No, not even close! 

There is a lot more than you can do with Keevi, like adding music, GIFs, trimming the video, and much more. All things video editing are included in Keevi. To explore Keevi further, let's begin. 

  • To add Text to video, start by clicking on the "Add Text" button on the upper center menu. A vertical menu will open for you, including a button called "Add new text.” Click on it, and voila, your text is now part of your video!
  • To trim your video, simply put your cursor on the timeline bar below and drag it inwards to shorten the length of the video.
  • To add audio to video, go and click on the "Add Media" button, select the "Add Audio'' option, and upload your audio. The audio shows up on the timeline panel underneath, and just like the video, you can adjust the length of the audio by dragging it inwards (to shorten) or outwards (to lengthen).

Download Your Video Or Share with the World on any Social Media Platform!

So you have completed your video editing and now want to export your video to your PC or your social media; whatever may be the case, the process of doing it all is super easy. 

Once you are done editing your videos, replay the whole thing to make sure you have not missed anything. When you are done with your rechecks, simply click on the "Export" button located at the top right corner of the screen. 

Clicking the "Export" button will take you to another page. This page will process and render your video to implement all your edits on the video. 

Once the rendering process is done, you can download the video to your computer or share it on social media via the link provided by Keevi. Video editing is easy and free! So start today and add photo to video like never before.


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Have any questions?

Can I add image to video online free multiple times on the same video file?

Yes, you can! This is what makes Keevi so unique. Keevi provides the option to the user to upload as many images as possible. To do this, simply click on the “Add Media” button and select the option “Add Image,” this will open a dialog box that will allow you to upload your image. Repeat the process to add more. Keevi is your one-stop shop when you want to add image to video online free of cost.

Is it possible to only add images to video or overlay a video over a video?

Keevi provides the option for the user to superimpose a video on a video. To do this, simply click on the “Add Media '' button and select the option for the “Add Video” button. This will allow you to upload your video and superimpose it.

Keevi supports add images to video; does that option include graphs, charts, and other statistical data?

If these graphs are in a form or a JPG or PNG format, then yes, you can. The process of this is similar to the process to add images to video. Simply click on the “Add Media” button, then click on “Add images,” select the graph you want to add (make sure it’s in JPG or PNG format), and upload it.

What Makes Keevi so Different from Others?

  • Keevi is the only overlay video editing tool that is completely free. Most video editing tools currently available online only provide certain functions under their free trial, and to add image to video is not free under these trials.
  • Keevi makes the process of video editing super fun by providing easy-to-use tools for the user’s video editing projects. It is designed for anyone and everyone to use and explore the world. It is easier to understand by even the most novice users. 
  • Keevi is one of the few video editing platforms that provide high-quality stock and royalty-free pictures, the option to add audio, add emojis, convert vid to gif, and many such options.  

Vibrant visual representation is the new branding for the digital age

Wondering why video editing should be part of your core branding operations? Well, this is why:

Why care?

Because a good visual representation is what catches the eye of your customer

Why custom-made videos when so many are available for free?

Because generic videos will never capture the essence of your brand

How is Keevi going to help me with this?

Keevi is one of the finest video editing tools out there, and all of its services are free of cost. Keevi is your cost-effective partner for brand growth and so much more.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

  1. keevi
  • keevi


Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.