Video Editing

How to Resize Video for IGTV: Sizing Guide and Best Practices

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

  • hello text text
  • hello two

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

It's hard to remember the times when Instagram was merely a photo-sharing app. Since the platform introduced video posts in 2013, it hasn't looked back, and that choice has paid off handsomely.

Reports show that there has been an 80% increase in video watch times on Instagram year over year, and video posts tend to generate 21% more engagement—likes, shares, and comments—than plain old images.

And here's the kicker: video content is only going to get bigger on Instagram and beyond. The social media channel provides plenty of opportunities for you to share original video content and draw attention to your account. These include video feed posts, stories, live streams, reels, and IGTV.

However, it's not enough for you to just create and post whatever video you like. You need to pay attention to how your video looks. Is it the correct size, shape, format, or specifications? Are all the important parts of the video able to be viewed properly?

In this post, we're going to walk you through everything you need to know to create brilliant, quality content for IGTV from the recommended IGTV dimensions to how to crop videos, create a channel, upload videos to your IGTV from various devices, and a few tips to help you maximize engagement. 

What is IGTV by Instagram?

Instagram TV or IGTV is a video hosting platform created by Instagram to compete against the likes of YouTube and Vimeo. Although it has its own standalone app for both Android and iOS, IGTV is also available on the Instagram app through the TV icon. 

IGTV is designed to house long-form videos that people can't share on their regular feed, Stories, or Reels because of the shorter time limits.

Rather than trying to cram your content into 15, 30, or 60-second segments, you can now post videos that are several minutes long on IGTV. 

Since IGTV videos use a vertical format, you can easily shoot them on your smartphone and upload them without going to too much trouble to edit them like you normally would for YouTube videos.

This means that you don't have to make an entire production out of creating content. You can publish quick, simple videos on the go that are authentic and capable of producing increased engagement for your brand.

The Best Instagram Size and Dimensions for IGTV Videos

Before shooting or uploading your video to IGTV, make sure you follow these specifications to get the best results.

IGTV Video Specifications 

Standard Requirements 

File size

Aspect ratio for vertical/portrait videos 

  • Minimum: 4:5
  • Maximum: 9:16

Aspect ratio for horizontal/landscape videos

  • Minimum: 5:4
  • Maximum: 16:9


  • Minimum: 700 pixels
  • Default: 1080 × 1920 (or vice versa for horizontal videos) pixels

Frame rate

  • Minimum: 30 FPS (frames per second)

File format

  • MP4 

If you're not using a smartphone, it might be difficult for you to nail the aspect ratio for vertical IGTV videos correctly. You might have to resize or crop your video after shooting it to get the proper video ratio.

So if you're the kind of person who prefers professional quality cameras over smartphones, you'll want to keep reading to learn how to resize video for Instagram TV.

Ideal Instagram Specs for IGTV Preview

As the name suggests, IGTV Preview is a sample or preliminary view of your video that's displayed in your Instagram feed.

While the above dimensions are ideal for uploading videos to IGTV, it's worth noting that the preview of the video on your feed will be displayed differently because Instagram cuts it down. If showing the entire scope of your video in the IGTV preview is important, here are the specifications you should stick to.

IGTV Preview Specifications 

Standard Requirements 

Aspect ratio

4:5 (1080×1350) when watching the video in the feed

Thumbnail in your grid

1:1 square 


The first 1 minute of your IGTV video

To get people to stick around and watch the rest of your IGTV video, you need to make the preview count. Start with a bang and get them hooked on the content of your video right away.

Best size for IGTV Covers

Your IGTV cover photo is the image that will be displayed on your IGTV channel page, Insta profile grid, and in people's feeds. It's the first thing people will see when they come across your IGTV video, so it can make or break your content.

Getting the dimensions right on the first try is important because your IGTV cover photo cannot be edited after it's been uploaded. If you use a bad cover, you're stuck with it.

When uploading an IGTV video, you can use a frame from your video as the cover image or choose a picture from your camera roll. Whichever option you go with, keep in mind that the recommended size is 420px by 654px or 1:1.55 aspect ratio.

If you're adding graphics or text to your cover photo, make sure to keep it in the center square or middle. This way, your graphics or text will be visible when viewed on various devices and won't be covered up by your username or Instagram time stamps.

What is the Maximum Length for IGTV Videos

Going by Instagram's rules, IGTV videos have to be at least one minute long before they can be posted on your channel. However, for videos uploaded via mobile, the maximum length is 15 minutes.

If you’re uploading a video to your IGTV via your desktop browser, you get up to 60 minutes of content max.

Considering that feed videos only last 60 seconds, stories are limited to 15 seconds, and reels cannot exceed 30 seconds, IGTV opens up new frontiers for content creators.

This increased time limit will allow you to develop more in-depth content that provides value to your audience like vlogs, how-to videos, reviews, product recommendations, list-style videos, Q&A videos, product videos, and more.

Not abiding by the stated time limits means that your IGTV video won't be uploaded successfully. You'll have to edit it down to the required length before it'll be good to go.

How to Crop Videos to Fit IGTV Using a Video Resolution Converter — Keevi

What happens if you’ve produced a video that doesn't meet IGTV's specifications? Do you just trash it and start afresh?

Thanks to tools like Keevi, the answer is no.

Keevi is an online video editor and video resolution converter that lets you adjust the size and dimensions of your video in a few clicks. It's easy to use, completely free, and doesn't require any downloads. You don't even have to register an account to begin optimizing your videos for social media.

The Keevi video resizer can help you convert a landscape video into a vertical format or vice versa without affecting the quality of your clip. You can even crop your video to remove unwanted parts and leave only the perfect bits for your IGTV post.

With our aspect ratio converter, you can control the quality and resolution of your video and ensure they fit the parameters for IGTV and other social media platforms.

Steps to resize video online using Keevi

1. Launch the Keevi video editor

Visit on your Windows, Mac, or tablet to launch the program and click Get Started to be taken to the editing studio.

2. Upload the video you want to resize

Add the file by dragging and dropping it into the designated box, or browse through your device to find and select the video. If you want, you can paste a YouTube link to extract and import a video from there.

3. Resize your video

Once the file is uploaded successfully, scroll to Select format and Original to open the drop-down menu. Scroll through the options and select the one that matches IGTV's requirements or the specifications for the platform you intend to use. Click the Play button to preview the video's new look.

4. Download the converted video

Click Export and you'll be taken to a page where you can download the resized file to your device. 

How to Create an IGTV Channel

Instagram allows you to upload and access IGTV videos on the app. However, you can only upload videos that are 15 minutes or less.

To share longer content, you need to create a channel via the IGTV app. But not to worry, the process is very simple.

  • Start by downloading the IGTV app (Android) or IGTV app (iPhone), then log in with your Instagram account details to sync IGTV to your Instagram account. A log-in request will be sent to your Insta account for approval.

  • Once you're logged in, you'll be able to watch content based on who you follow and your Insta activity. 
  • A channel will be automatically created for you in your profile area. You'll also notice that your username, profile picture, bio, and number of followers have been carried over from your Instagram account. You can come to your channel to see your IGTV video library anytime.

What Kind of Content Can You Upload to IGTV?

When it comes to content, Instagram is not a free-for-all. You have to ensure that whatever you're sharing to your IGTV doesn't violate the platform's terms of use and community guidelines.

The goal of the site is to create a safe, inclusive, and positive environment for every user, so videos that don't comply with the rules may be removed. 

What kind of videos should you post or avoid sharing on your IGTV so you don't risk violating Instagram's content rules?

1. Share videos you have a right to

Try to share original content that you own rather than content created by someone else, which you don't have a right to. If you must repost other people's content, make sure you give them credit.

2. Don't share spammy content 

Avoid collecting fake likes, shares, followers, posting repetitive content or comments, or repeatedly messaging people for commercial purposes without their consent. Don't post videos that promote the soliciting or trading of misleading or fake ratings or reviews. Also, don't impersonate someone else.

3. Post videos that are appropriate for all audiences 

If your video would be considered inappropriate for 13-year-old kids, it's in violation of Instagram's guidelines. Images containing full-on nudity, sexual intercourse, and genitals are not allowed except in paintings and sculptures.

4. Respect other community members

Your videos shouldn't contain hate speech, threats, comments targeting private individuals to shame or degrade them, personal information meant to harass or blackmail someone, or anything that will be considered discriminatory or offensive to certain people.

5. Follow the law

Don't share videos that support or praise hate groups, terrorism, or organized crime. Or videos offering sexual services, showing sexual content involving minors, buying and selling of tobacco products, alcohol, live animals, prescription/illegal drugs, and firearms between private individuals. Essentially, if something is against the law, it's not allowed on Instagram. 

6. Don't glorify self-injury

Don't encourage people to explore self-injury and don't share content that identifies survivors or victims of self-injury in an attempt to ridicule or attack them.

7. Avoid sharing videos of intense, graphic violence

It's okay to use your IGTV to share newsworthy or important events, but try not to use graphic images when doing so. If you must share these images to educate or raise awareness, add a warning about graphic violence to your cover photo, title, or caption.

How to Upload Videos to IGTV From Your Desktop Browser

You can upload IGTV videos and access all the features of the IGTV app via your computer very easily. Here’s how it works:

  • Go to, log in, and head to your profile.
  • Beneath your profile bio, you'll find four tabs—click on the one that says IGTV.

  • Next, click the blue Upload button in the center of your screen and you'll be directed to a new page where you can add your IGTV video.

  • Drag and drop the video file into the appropriate box and add other relevant details.

  • Select the Preview and Auto-generated captions option if you want them. Once you're done, click Post to upload the video right away or save it as a draft until you're ready to share it.

Uploading Videos to IGTV from the IGTV or Instagram App

Here's an easy step-by-step guide to help you successfully upload IGTV videos from your mobile device.

Via IGTV App

  • Head to the IGTV app and click on the ➕ button on the homepage at the top-right corner of your screen.

  • Alternatively, you can go to your profile and click on Share your first IGTV video if you haven't uploaded a video yet.

  • With either option, you'll be taken to a screen where you can record a video for your IGTV channel or select one from your library by tapping the box icon at the bottom-left of the screen.
  • Choose a video between 1 minute and 15 minutes long, then click Next to select a Cover image.

  • Click Next again and add a title description and other relevant details before tapping the Post to IGTV button to share your video.

Via Instagram App

  • Open the Instagram app and go to your profile page, then tap the ➕ icon at the top of your screen.

  • You'll be shown a list of options to create various types of IG posts—click IGTV Video.

  • Scroll through your library and select the video you want to upload, and click Next.
  • Select a video frame to use as your Cover image or add a photo from your gallery, then click Next.

  • Add a title and description for your IGTV video, edit your cover photo if necessary, select the preview option if you want, then click Post to IGTV to complete upload.

Best Practices for Using IGTV

Creating content that gets a ton of interactions and engagement, while looking professional is not rocket science. It's simply a matter of applying the right tricks and making a conscious effort to boost your content performance. Here are some amazing IGTV tips that you can apply to make the most of the platform:

1. Always use a cover image

Cover images make it easy for viewers to click, read, and watch your videos. When people come across your IGTV video, your cover photo should catch their eye and push them to click on your video.

If you don't pick a cover image, Instagram will randomly generate one for you from your videos, and there's no guarantee that it'll pick a nice frame.

2. Share quality content regularly

People love consistency, so if you want to succeed on IGTV, you can't afford to share content once in a blue moon. Create a content schedule and try to post consistently on your channel. This way users will keep an eye out for your content, as well as watch, engage, and share it, ultimately leading to more awareness for you and your brand.

3. Create content your followers will like to see

Engagement doesn't happen in a vacuum. It starts with creating the kind of content that people will be interested in. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes, do some research, and find out the topics they're interested in. Then produce IGTV videos around those topics and types of content to increase the eyeballs on your videos.

4. Incorporate text into your videos

One of the best ways to expand your audience and add context to your video is by making use of text. This could be in the form of titles, descriptions, or subtitles. Incorporating text will not only make your videos accessible to people with hearing difficulties, it'll enable users to watch your video without sound on.

Final Word

Whether you're a content creator, an organization, or someone looking to build their brand, adding IGTV to your content publishing line-up is a great way to strengthen your online presence and build meaningful connections with your audience.

As you explore IGTV, don't forget that the right IGTV dimensions can make a world of difference to your content and channel. Converting video resolutions is easy with the right tools in your corner, so don't hesitate to try Keevi if you need a hassle-free video resizer and editor to transform your videos.

Hammad Akbar
Hammad Akbar
September 29, 2021