Creating A Buzz Around Your Launch with Rob Cornish Of Gain Higher Ground

Rob Cornish, Founder at Gain Higher Ground joins Hammad Akbar in this episode of Launch Legends Podcast

What’s a Rich Text element?

  • Hello
  • how are you?

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Key Takeaways:

Rob’s journey into online marketing

Rob had a successful career in the investment management field but he always wanted to start his own business. A book “Four Hour A Week” by Tim Ferris played a major role in bringing Rob to the online marketing space. At first, he found it difficult to figure out ways to make money online. Eventually, he started off with building websites on niche subjects and tried to rank them on google. It generated some money but it was not enough. 

Strategy to onboard affiliates

Rob believes that a big pitch is not required to onboard affiliates. One must tell the potential affiliate straight away what he is going to offer. If an affiliate refuses to promote his product, then just ask for their feedback and adjust your positioning according to it. It helps refine your pitch and ultimately will help you secure new affiliates. He managed to earn a couple of hundred thousand dollars in revenue with the help of the snowball effect that occurred when the people who he reached out to started to refer more people.

Creating an event around the launch 

Rob sent email sequences to his email list to build hype around the launch. He revealed some product details in each email to create a buzz. He believes that to sell products successfully one must create a value for an audience by providing information about the key features of the product to enable them to make the purchase decision themselves.  

Doing a Q&A video helps you in getting sales

Rob believes that people always have a lot of questions about the product you are launching. The major reason that people don’t buy products despite landing on your sales page is that they have some apprehensions regarding the efficacy of the product, this is a massive hurdle. To overcome it, Q&A videos can be sent through email or can be embedded on a sales page to address major questions. This can boost the conversion rate.

Rob’s advice to newcomers in online marketing space

He advised newcomers to learn from other people’s launches. Look what they are doing and try to implement it in your launch. 

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