$245k In Three Weeks With Ovi Negrean Of SocialBee

Ovi Negrean, Founder at SocialBee joins Hammad Akbar in this episode of Launch Legends Podcast

What’s a Rich Text element?

  • Hello
  • how are you?

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Key Takeaways:

How SocialBee started

Ovi started off by creating a product named Nugget which he launched on Product Hunt and generated thousands of leads. However, it was hard to monetize Nugget. He was also creating social media automation tools internally to manage the promotion of Nugget, Ovi talked to some people and realized that the social media management tool that they created for internal use was more valuable than the Nugget. From there on, Ovi shifted his focus towards this new product and named it... Social Bee.

SocialBee AppSumo Launch

For the AppSumo launch, Ovi did not reach out to AppSumo himself... instead a customer reached out to AppSumo to propose the SocialBee lifetime deal and later AppSumo contacted Ovi to get this set up. He started a conversation with the AppSumo team and planned out the whole launch. Ovi ended up selling 5,000 units through AppSumo at a price of $49. The lifetime deal was sold out in just three weeks. 

Essentials for AppSumo launch

To launch a lifetime deal on AppSumo, a product must be stable and you must have good support because if your product is different from other products, you will get a lot of customer support requests. Moreover, you need to have adequate help documentation to ensure you aren’t overrun by support requests.

Converting to recurring customers

Social Bee also provides concierge services which include creating social media posts for the clients and scheduling with the help of Social Bee. Most of the customers that bought social bee licenses also opted for concierge services which helped Ovi growing monthly recurring revenue, it is notoriously hard to convert AppSumo customers to recurring customers. 

SocialBee growth channels

One of their growth channels is content marketing. They don’t rely on blog posts only, they also create in-depth guides which they give for free. They also do guest posting and link that post to their guides. Another growth channel is affiliate marketing. Some customers reached out to Ovi to become partners whereas Ovi also reached out to some people for partnership. Third growth channel is paid marketing. They are now starting to invest heavily in paid marketing.

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